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Your email is your ID.  There are no usernames, pass­words or se­cu­ri­ty ques­ti­ons. Just enter your email address, choose a plan, and provide VAT / ID numbers of busi­ne­sses to monitor.

(Max 30 com­pa­nies)

How does it work?

  • monitors com­pany in­for­ma­ti­on by sourcing it at vari­ous pro­vi­ders on a daily basis, imme­di­a­te­ly detecting whether anything about any com­pany has changed.
  • You rece­ive weekly status reports, con­tai­ning all of the data avai­la­ble on the com­pa­nies being monitored (MS Excel file).
  • If (and only if) any change has occurred about any of the com­pa­nies, an alert notice is sent to you within the next 24 hours. All alerts come in a sin­gle daily email.

Before signing up, make sure you have read and agreed to our terms of service.