Usage and use cases is simple to use and all you need is and active e-mail account. Take a look at the different ways is used and how it can help you. We use it as well.

Do you plan to use in some other way? Tell us how!


Login is done with your e-mail, where you can then make changes to your list of tracked VAT IDs. You will rece­ive notifications if a change occurs and on weekly basis, you will also rece­ive a status report with data retrieved for every VAT ID you listed.

A status report with current data can re­quested at any time by logging in, where you can also check your sub­scrip­ti­on data.

Use cases

Tracking contractors and on-line stores

Building or renovating your home is a big investment and in such cases it's good to be cautious. Advance payments are usually re­quested before larger works are done (like replacing windows or the roof), and such payments can represent a big part of a household budget. As the last financial and economic crisis has shown, big and small enterprises can have problems and in times of trouble pay no regards to rece­ived payments. Advance payments are then used to repay bigger creditors and a lawsuit then costs more that the value of the prepayment.

The last crisis also gave as stories of on-line stores not delivering paid goods. will notify you when a change occurs and enable you a timely response.

Tracking your busi­ne­ss partners

We have another example, similar to the Swiss com­pany.

We cooperated with this Slovene com­pany on a regular basis and it looked like the busi­ne­ss was going great. At one point, the owner informed us that from now on, we will do busi­ne­ss with his new com­pany, specialized for the busi­ne­ss we were cooperating, other operations would be done by the old com­pany. A few months later we were shocked to discover that the old com­pany offi­ci­ally moved to completely different part of the coun­try and was bankrupt. His new com­pany took over all the brands and busi­ne­ss activities and continues to operate today. Sounds familiar? will detect unexpected changes and notify you.

Tracking your client's busi­ne­ss partners

Everyone who does busi­ne­ss in Europe knows the VIES website and it's purpose. We also know we are supposed to check our busi­ne­ss partners on VIES every time we rece­ive or issue an invoice. And we also know we don't do that, either for the lack of time or simply for the lack of will to do it. We expect our accounting will take care of it. But the accounting is also faced with the lack of time or will to do it.

The system will do the checks for you: daily, auto­ma­ti­cally and without any involvement from you. When a change in your partner's data occurs, you will be notified by e-mail, SMS or fax. Or you will be notified by your accountant. keeps an eye on your busi­ne­ss partners. So you don't have to.

Custom solutions can be completely customized to the needs of your com­pany. We can customize the way reports are sent and rece­ived, so they can be displayed directly in you ERP or CRM system. If you are verifying large quantities of VAT IDs, a physically or virtual server can be installed on your network, the database can be hosted on one of your servers or you can rent a VPS.

A customized version of system was first used by the Slovene importer of Ford vehicles and the Ford dealerships. The system verifies more than 200,000 potential and existing customers daily and notifies the users of the CRM system if a change occurs. Data of potential customers up­dates auto­ma­ti­cally with every change, for existing customers, users rece­ive a notification and up­date the changes manually.

The system was completely integrated in the CRM system and used the CRMs database. is completely customizable and can become a part of you in­for­ma­ti­on system.

Monthly billing

  • Are you a freelancer and your clients use creative excuses not to pay your bills?

  • Missed that comma in the client's title and now you have to wait another 30/60/90 days for your bill to be paid?

  • Managing multiple buildings with a large number of tenants and contractors and your bills are sent to the wrong addresses?

  • Operating a SaaS, auto­ma­ti­cally issuing hundreds of invoices, but your customers demand fixes because they moved?

Re­quest like this require manual interventions, causing frustrations and costing you time.

Weekly reports with up-to-date com­pany data (also avai­la­ble in machine readable TSV format) will make your billing process easier.

Up-to-date data

  • Is direct mail an important sales channel?

  • Want to sell to newly established com­pa­nies?

  • Building a list of potential customers?

Even a small percentage of wrong addresses can be costly. can easily verify thousands of addresses, returning up-to-date lists.


Accounting, sales and transport teams in a wide range of com­pa­nies use

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bbi-intl, bca, beaulieu, beddingindustrial, beehero, beja, beletrina, bendikaskantoris, berrywire, beukeveldbeheerbv, bexity, bg-company, bge, bigo, biochrom, bioclinica, bionat, bionova, blackbuck, blackfire, blexr, block42, bluefile, blue_group, blueumbrella, bluewin, bnp_paribas, bnt, bold, bomark, bonneberry, bonotti, born_nordic, boxpal, bp, brabners, br_ag, brambles, brewersselect, bright, brooksrunning, brouwerijdepoes, bulkio, bureau_veritas, bussellparts, but_digital, byebra, bytedance, callantechnology, campingagenten, canna, capco, carbochim, cargill, cargo_sped, cargotransporter, carnext, cartex, casacomigo, cbd_oil, cedon, ceelogistics, cefetra, ceneje, centralpark, ceprocs, cesi, cgi, cgr-international, championx, charismalogistik, cherryhill, chevron, chinaunicom, churchill1795, cinkarna, cirplus, clarivate, claytonpp, cleanroomsuppliesltd, clickandboat, clinflows, cloudtalk, cma-cgm, cmstractorparts, cnfarmaceutici, coca_cola, codognotto, cofco, coffeeland, colorpack, 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zedra, zenimatik, zeropark, zf_friedrichshafen, zito, zones, zumtobel_group,

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