Bosnia and Herzegovina
Check a company in the Bosnian business register
Data on companies in BiH is retrieved from the official unified company registry of the ministry of Law, comprising of business registries of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBiH), Republika Srpska (RS) and Brčko District.
Since the unified company register of the ministry of Law is comprised from three separate registers, it can be temporally out of sync from the registers in local entities.
The data consists of the title, address, company type, status, registration number, unique ID, tax number and valid VAT rates.
Even though Bosnia and Herzegovina is a potential candidate to join the EU, data on companies from Bosnia and Herzegovina is not available on VIES. Use to verify Bosnian VAT IDs:
Notification samples
When a change with a particular company is noted, a notification with registered changes will be sent to you. Once per week, sends a status report(XLSX file) with all available data on companies you are tracking.
Unique company identifier
There are three types of unique identifiers used to identify a company in BiH:
the registration number (Matični broj subjekta - MBS),
the unique identification number - (Jedinstveni identifikacioni broj - JIB),
the tax ID (Poreski identifikacioni broj - PIB). checks companies using the registration number (MBS). Here is a list of valid number formats:
Type | Number format | Description |
MBS | 12-34-5678-90 | 2 digits "-" 2 digits "-" 4 digits "-" 2 digits |
MBS | 1-2345-67 | 1 digit "-" 4 digits "-" 2 digits |
MBS | 1-123 | 1 digit "-" 3 digits |
MBS | 1-1234 | 1 digit "-" 4 digits |
MBS | 1-12345 | 1 digit "-" 5 digits |
JIB | 1234567890123 | 13 digits |
PIB | 123456789012 | 12 digits |
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