Check a company in the Slovene business register retrieves data for Slovenian companies directly from the database of the Slovene tax authority (FURS) and the Anti Corruption Office(KPK). also retrieves data on bank accounts and tax and customs debt. Retrieved data are the VAT ID and registration number, VAT status, address, title, registered core activity, foreign and domestic bank accounts and valid VAT rates.
Even though data on companies from Slovenia is available on VIES, the system is regularly overloaded during business hours. Besides, verifies more data.Use to verify Slovene VAT IDs:
Notification samples
When a change with a particular company is noted, a notification with registered changes will be sent to you. Once per week, sends a status report(XLSX file) with all available data on companies you are tracking.
Unique company identifier
There are two types of unique identifiers used in Slovenia:
the registration number (matična številka),
the VAT ID (davčna številka). checks companies using the VAT ID. Here is a list of valid number formats:
Type | Number format | Description |
VAT ID | 12345678 | 8 digits |
REG | 1234567890 | 10 digits |
Download full company register
Do you need access to a full company register? enables the purchase of full company registers for certain countries, including Slovenia. The data is standardised and is available in TSV or XLSX formats.
The Slovene company register updates daily and is available for download. It consists of cca. 310 thousand companies, a sample with 500 companies is available here.
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